View of the Squero di San Trovaso, Venice
Oil painting of a Venice boatyard by Antonietta
Brandeis, Photograph by Stockholms Auktionsverk
The painting is reproduced
here by kind permission of
Stockholms Auktionsverk,
www.auktionsverket.com .
Antonietta Brandeis was born in 1848 at Miskowitz
(Czech: Myslkovice) in Bohemia (which was then, like
Venice, under
Habsburg rule). Her father died early, and her mother
remarried an Italian nobleman. Already in 1867, she was
studying at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice, and
in 1870 she participated in her first exhibition. In the
following years, she presented numerous paintings at
exhibitions in Venice and elsewhere in Italy. Her most
typical paintings are scenic views of Venice, rich in
detail, but there are also many views from Florence,
Bologna and Rome. Antonietta Brandeis died in Florence
in 1926. (Ref.: Paolo Serafini, Antonietta Brandeis
1848-1926, Turin, 2010)
The artist would have stood on the Fondamenta Nani, near
the Zattere end of Rio di San Trovaso, looking north.
Walking along the canal, one would arrive at the Palazzo
Contarini Corfù just outside the picture.