The first three
photographs below, from the garden of Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo, are reproduced
by kind permission of Le Campiello de Venise,

Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo,
part of the garden

Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo,
part of the garden

View from the garden balustrade of the Palazzo
Contarini dal Zaffo towards Murano and the cemetery island of
San Michele

Il Casin degli Spiriti and the
garden of Palazzo Contarini dal Zaffo as seen from the lagoon
Photograph kindly provided by Stefano Soffiato, of , May 2004

The church of La Madonna dell'Orto
Postcard from c. 1900, undivided address side

View from the Fondamenta nuove
across the Sacca della Misericordia with the church of the
Madonna dell’Orto to the left and il Casin degli Spiriti to
the right
Postcard from c. 1910