Venice seen from the Lido with Israelite
memorials in the foreground
Engraving from Illustrirte Zeitung, Leipzig,
November 1866

The entrance to the municipal cemetery on the
February 2004
Several tombstones, formerly in the Protestant
cemetery on the Lido, and which had been stacked in a
waste disposal site outside the walls of the current
Catholic Cemetery, were recovered from abandonment and
restored in 1994. This was financed by The Venice in
Peril Fund, London, through the UNESCO
- Private
Committees Programme for the Safeguarding of Venice.
Once restored, the stones were arranged within a new
extension of the Catholic cemetery. The authority
responsible is Venice City Council.
In Semele (p. 72), Mereweather reproduced the
inscriptions of two of the stones; see below.
Elizaeus Burges. This stone stands above a grass
verge against a high brick wall at the beginning of the
avenue leading from the older part of the cemetery to
the new. (Next to it is the stone of Francis Vincent,
Baronet of Stoke d'Abernon and British chargé d'affaires
in Venice in 1790.) |

Elizaeus Burges
Georgio primo et secundo
Britanniĉ regibus
Apud Venetos
Obit XVIII. Kal. Decembris
Vixit annos LXIX. |
John Murray. This stone is laid on a grass verge
at the approach to the new section. After restoration it
was laid, gently inclined, on its pedestal. |

Johanni Murray nobili Anglo
Magnĉ Britanniĉ regis
Apud Venetos legatione
Per plurimos annos feliciter acta
Dein Byzantiaca
Summa cum potestate
Difficillimis etiam temporibus
Pari laude functus
In patriam rediens
Venetiis obiit
Omnibus defletus
Id. Aug. An. Sal. MDCCLXXV.

At the Lido, view of San Lazzaro
Oil Painting by
Antonio Ermolao Paoletti (1834-1912)
The painting is signed Antonio Paoletti fu
Giovni / Venezia (it was made after
his father Giovanni's death).